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Organic Essential Oils

Organic Bergamot Oil

Organic Bergamot Oil

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Origin: India

Industries: Perfumery, Flavoring, Aromatherapy

Uses: Cold pressed from the rinds of the Bergamot Oranges, this oil has a sweet and citrus scent and a fruit flavor, making it a great choice in many fragrance and flavor applications. In aromatherapy it is used for it's ability to uplift spirits and promote a positive outlook, as well as it's antiseptic qualities.

Product Code: 
CAS Number: 8007-75-8
FEMA Number: 2153

Specific Gravity @ 25 C: >= 0.862 AND <= 0.933
Refractive Index @ 25 C: >= 1.404 AND <= 1.482
Odor: Sweet, Fruity
Color: Yellow, Green
Appearance: Liquid