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Organic Essential Oils

Organic Mandarin Oil

Organic Mandarin Oil

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Origin: Italy

Industries:Aromatherapy, perfumery and flavor

Uses: This oil has a sweet and citrusy odor. It is used for flavoring in a lot of candies and soft drinks, and products of that nature. In aromatherapy it is used often to fight colds and the flu for it's healing and soothing properties.

Product Code: M0242
CAS Number: 8008-31-9
FEMA Number: 2657

Specific Gravity @ 25 C: >= 0.8390 AND <= 0.8490
Refractive Index @ 20 C: >= 1.4690 AND <= 1.4790
Optical Rotation @ 25 C: >= 68.0000 AND <= 83.0000
Odor: Sweet Juicy
Color: Orange to Red
Appearance: Liquid